Music Italy Show – Bologna 2010 – Rhythm Drum Solo Videos for Vibe Drum Snares and General Pics



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Music Italy Show – Bologna 2010 – Funk and Jungle Rhythm Drum Solo for 2 Vibe Drum Snares

This is a Rhythm solo performed at Music Italy Show of Bologna, the 16th of May 2010. This Drum Solo is centered about rhythm and the beauty of sound of Vibe Drum Snares.
I really Need to thank Paolo Zuffi of Vibe Drum for the inspiration given to me by the sound of his musical instruments, also Sonor Drums, UFIP cymbals, Evans Heads, Trick Pedals, Vic Firth Sticks, HQ Pads, Powerfeet Trainers, Fulmine Drumming Shoes and all my friends and teachers at GM Drum School.
I need to give a very special thank to my Teachers and Mentors and people who really inspired me in my journey through music and life:
Mr Sergio Bellotti, who was able to change my mind after years of “soloing”, making me truly realize that technique is just at the service of groove and groove is directly dependent to the heart. Thank you Maestro. This is why solo and groove is matter of this videos.
Mr Jo Jo Mayer who in his latest coming to Torino I had the pleasure to meet personally and I was able to grab directly some of his “Secret Weapons” that I started to use, even if they are just “slingshot bullets” compared to the one of His Majesty Mayer. Not only Moeller but also “try to play an eight notes solo and don’t look like a newbie”, “play with few drum pieces, then add others”. No toms is because of you Maestro.
Mr Dom Famularo, with his inspiring teachings, videos and his positive attitude, his no-nonsense attitude to the teaching of technique, facts and not simple opinions, with the highest technical teaching completely free of self importance, technique at the complete service of the musician. I would love every teacher in the world had this kind of attitude.
Mr Marco Minnemann, gave me a simple but incredible personal advice along his legendary independence and extreme drumming. It was gold. He made me realize I need to be ME when I’m playing, be fully honest with me and express myself using my tools and my music.
Mr Johnny Rabb who taught me patiently his incredible revolutionary techniques, freehand and last the one utilizing the tip and the back of the stick, Maestro, I’m still not perfect but I’m using it! Sonner or later I will be good!
Mr Marko Djordjievich for the accurate teaching of the form of a solo and the points of resolutions Sal Sofia‘s Style.
and last but not least Mr Giorgio Gandino, my first real teacher, who made me fall in love with technique without losing sight with the real Reason we are here. Express our feelings. Thanks to all of you. Love. G.

Nuovo Album Con/Fusion Funk “Risoblues”

E’ in fase di uscita il nuovo Album dei Con/Fusion Funk, Funk-Fusion Band Storica della scena torinese con cui collaboro da ormai molti anni, salvo il periodo in cui vivevo negli USA. L’album è un discorso tematico che si basa sulle armonie delle Canzoni di lavoro dei lavoratori italiani miste alle canzoni dei lavoratori afro-americani, il tutto in chiave Funk-Fusion-Jazz.
Alla Chitarra Riccardo Moffa, alla Batteria Gigi Morello, al Trombone Alberto Borio, alla Tromba Marco Milani.
Sarà disponibile verso la fine di dicembre. GPRESENTAZIONE CD CONFUSION FUNK

Live al Conservatorio di Cuneo per la presentazione della Tesi di Laurea di Riccardo Moffa

E’ per me un onore avere accompagnato Riccardo Moffa, chitarrista, musicista ed amico con cui collaboro da molti anni, in occasione della presentazione della sua tesi di laurea in Musica jazz, al Conservatorio di Cuneo.

Riccardo si è esibito per la commissione accompagnato da una band composta da me alla batteria, Gianluca Buosi al Basso, Alberto Borio al Trombone, Marco Milano alla tromba e Diego Mascherpa al Sax tenore.

Il repertorio includeva un riarrangiamento jazz-funk-fusion di alcuni standard relativi al rapporto tra musica e mondo del lavoro, con riferimento alla musica afro amerciana e popolare italiana.

Il concerto è andato molto bene, e Riccardo si è laureato in Musica Jazz con 104/110i.

Ecco a voi alcune foto.
